A drop of ink can make a million think
Bob Brinsmead
The Writer

The Writer

Besides being an Australian farmer, horticulturalist, local government Councillor, entrepreneur induced into the Tweed region’s Business Hall of Fame (2005), and a happily married family man, I have been a freelance writer (provocateur and heretic in the view of some) for over 50 years.  My books and papers on matters relating to theology, ecology and biography have been published by a range of publishers, chief of whom was Verdict Publications whose widely circulating journal of theology I edited in its heyday for more than 10 years prior to my retirement. Any comments or inquiries addressed to me at email me. will be welcome, whether pro or con, provided they are expressed in the same irenic spirit in which I always try to write. Humans of goodwill can disagree without being disagreeable. The motto here is that great old saying of an ancient prophet, “Come, let us reason together.”